Biotin Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery

Biotin Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery

Biotin Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery

Biotin Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery

Liposomes are closed vesicles composed of a lipid bilayer composed of phospholipids and cholesterol. Liposomes have a similar physiological mechanism to cell membranes, have good biocompatibility and safety, can encapsulate water-soluble and fat-soluble drugs, have high selectivity, non-toxicity, non-immunogenicity and are suitable for biodegradation performance. Biotin is a vitamin that cannot be synthesized in mammals. It has a simple structure, few functional groups, small steric hindrance, and is easy to modify. At present, nanomedicine is a method with great potential to treat cancer, and finding new targeted drug delivery systems (TDDS) is the focus of current research. Liposomes can target cancer through efficient modification (such as biotin and ligands, etc.), and are widely studied nano-drug carriers in current drug delivery systems.

The Services

Alfa Chemistry offers a wide range of biotin-modified liposome systems that can be used for efficient drug delivery for the treatment and management of cancer. We strive to expand our service items, and the related services we can provide include but are not limited to:

  • Preparation of biotin-modified liposomes
  • Characterization of biotin-modified liposomes
  • Study on drug release from biotin-modified liposomes in vitro
  • Apoptosis assay of biotin-modified liposomes
  • In vitro stability of biotin-modified liposomes
  • Cytotoxicity assay
  • In vivo distribution and targeting testing
  • Professional data analysis and comparison

Liposomes as drug carriers

Phospholipids form a bilayer in liposomes, are the main component of liposomes, and are zwitterionic surfactants. Cholesterol is also the main component of the liposome membrane, which can play a role in stabilizing the liposome membrane. Liposomes can improve stability and targeting through surface modification.

  • Targeting effect of liposomes: The liposomes are distributed in organs rich in reticuloendothelial cells such as liver, spleen and bone marrow, and have natural targeting properties to these organs. Liposomes can also be used as ideal carriers for immune stimulators.
  • Liposomes can improve the stability of drugs: The unstable or easily oxidized drugs are encapsulated in liposomes, and the drugs are protected by liposome bilayer membranes, which can significantly improve the stability.
  • Liposomes reduce drug toxicity: Encapsulating anticancer drugs in liposomes can reduce toxicity, expand their application range, and improve therapeutic effects.
  • Sustained-release effect of liposomes: The liposomes have a protective effect on drugs, can perform slow-release control, and prolong the time of drug action.

Liposomes can be used for efficient drug delivery and can be used in a variety of systemsFigure 2. Liposomes can be used for efficient drug delivery and can be used in a variety of systems

Application of liposome in medicine

As a carrier of anti-tumor drugs: anti-cancer drugs can significantly increase the amount of aggregation at the site of canceration and reduce the cardiotoxicity of the drug.

  • Antiparasitic drugs carrier: Liposomes can be used as carriers of antiparasitic drugs, which can solve their toxic effects and drug resistance.
  • Antibacterial drugs and antiviral drugs carrier: Liposomes have strong affinity with biological cell membranes, encapsulating antibacterial drugs and antiviral drugs in liposomes can significantly improve the antibacterial and antiviral effects of drugs.
  • Antidote liposome carrier: When the heavy metal content in the human body is high, encapsulating EDTA, DTPA, and DFO in liposome can effectively remove heavy metal ions.
  • Biologically active substances carrier: Liposomes can effectively introduce biologically active molecules such as proteins, polypeptides and oligonucleotides, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) into various cells to regulate their biosynthesis and metabolism.

Alfa Chemistry can design liposome drug delivery system, and can control the delivery and release of drugs to meet the needs of customers. If you are interested in our services, please contact us immediately.


  1. Tang. B.L.; et al. Design, preparation and evaluation of different branched biotin modified liposomes for targeting breast cancer. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2020, 193(1): 112204.
  2. Huang. M.Y.; et al. Biotin and glucose dual-targeting, ligand-modified liposomes promote breast tumor-specific drug delivery. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2020, 30: 127151.

※ It should be noted that our service is only used for research, not for clinical use.

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