Dual Targeted Drug Delivery System

Dual Targeted Drug Delivery System

Dual Targeted Drug Delivery System

Dual Targeted Drug Delivery System

Dual-ligand is a novel approach in which the drug delivery system has different ligands to target different receptors, which can be expressed in different cell types. The nano-drug release of dual ligands has attracted much attention because of its functionalization, which can greatly improve the therapeutic effect of tumor-targeted drug delivery. Dual-ligand drug delivery systems can bind different ligands to achieve different target receptors. There are three schemes for the targeting of dual ligands, including dual-targeted nanocarriers expressing one cell, dual-targeted nanocarriers targeting multiple cells, and dual-targeted nanocarriers expressing differently in cells, nuclei or mitochondria. The content of biotin receptors in a variety of cancer cell species is significantly increased, and biotin can bind to receptors with high affinity to achieve efficient targeted drug delivery. At present, dual-targeting nanocarriers have been used as one of the effective solutions to overcome tumor heterogeneity, and are expected to be used in a wider range of drug delivery to improve the cure rate of cancer patients.

The Services

Based on the significantly increased content of biotin receptors in cancer cells, it can be combined with more biotin, thereby enabling efficient targeted drug delivery. Dual-targeted nanomaterials can be used for drug delivery in tumors, which is of great significance to the efficient treatment of tumors. Alfa Chemistry has a professional biotechnology team that focuses on designing biotin-based drug delivery systems for efficient tumor treatment. The related services we can provide include but are not limited to:

  • Design of biotin-based dual-target drug delivery system
  • Design and synthesis of nanomaterials suitable for drug delivery
  • Development of biotin-based dual-target drug therapy
  • Professional data analysis comparison

Dual ligand drug delivery system

The dual-ligand drug delivery system can improve the selectivity and uptake of nano-drugs by specific tumor cells and provide the possibility of targeting different cells. Depending on the type of cell targeted and the site of action, the combination of ligands can be divided into three different types:

  • Two ligands target one cell
  • Two ligands target two or more cells
  • Cell membrane targeting and intracellular organelle targeting or mitochondrial targeting

Three different bimolecular targeting schemes, including dual-targeting nanocarriers expressing one cell; dual-targeting nanocarriers simultaneously targeting multiple cells; Different receptors expressed on mitochondriaFigure 2. Three different bimolecular targeting schemes, including dual-targeting nanocarriers expressing one cell; dual-targeting nanocarriers simultaneously targeting multiple cells; Different receptors expressed on mitochondria

Research status of biotin dual targeting

At present, based on the research on biotin dual-targeted nanoparticles, the systems that have been developed include biotin-glucose dual-targeted liposomes and paclitaxel-loaded liposomes, which can be used for breast cancer-specific drug delivery.

Future development

Tremendous progress has been made recently in targeted nanoparticle drug delivery, and nanoparticles of various morphologies have been developed (liposomes, micelles, nanospheres, dendrimers, carbon nanotubes, nanorods, core-shell quantum dots and mesoporous nanoparticles) may be suitable for efficient drug delivery. Fate of nanoparticles in vivo and interactions with tumor tissue, cells and blood. Differences among nanocarriers may affect their biodistribution and cellular uptake. The design and development of targeted nanomaterials need to take safety, biocompatibility and stability into consideration. Novel targeted nanocarriers are used in chemotherapy, thermotherapy, phototherapy, radiotherapy and medical diagnostics applications.

Alfa Chemistry provides professional design and development of biotin-based targeted drug delivery systems, providing an important direction for the design of new drug delivery systems. If you are interested in our services, please contact us immediately.


  1. Welson. W. S.; et al. Design of a bifunctional fusion protein for ovarian cancer drug delivery: single-chain anti-CA125 core-streptavidin fusion protein. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 2007,65(3): 398-405.

※ It should be noted that our service is only used for research, not for clinical use.

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