<em>In Vivo</em> Biotinylation System

In Vivo Biotinylation System

In Vivo Biotinylation System

In Vivo Biotinylation System

The biotin-avidin/streptavidin system is a new biotinylation amplification system developed in the 1970s, which can be successfully used in biomarkers and has become a new technology in the field of trace antigen, antibody qualitative and quantitative detection. In addition to the efficient binding between biotin and avidin, it can also bind with streptavidin and neutravidin, which can amplify the biological reaction signal and increase the detection sensitivity of the protein. In vivo biotinylation Based on biotinylated peptides fused to target proteins, can be used as in vivo substrate mimics for E. coli biotin synthase (BirA). Compared with traditional immunoaffinity methods, biotinylation has many advantages in the purification of protein complexes: 1. The high affinity of biotin for streptavidin allows efficient purification of biotinylated proteins; 2. Biotin- Avidin/Streptavidin has high affinity and washes in stringent settings, reducing contamination and background signal. Alfa Chemistry is committed to establishing a robust in vivo biotinylation system for efficient biotinylation of biotin and avidin/streptavidin. We can provide solutions and strategies for affinity purification of protein complexes with a single in vivo biotinylation system, conduct biological research in solid cells, discover and expand molecules suitable for biotinylation reactions, and develop more biotinylation systems.

The Services

Alfa Chemistry has a long-term biotinylation research team with many years of experience in the field of biotinylation, specializing in providing efficient biotinylation solutions to meet customer needs. Related services we can provide include but are not limited to:

  • Design a professional biotinylation system
  • Expanded biotinylation database
  • Discover highly efficient biotinylated molecules
  • Biotinylation efficiency analysis
  • Professional data analysis

Broad application of biotinylation system (BAS)

  • Biological diagnosis: Biotin is easy to bind with protein by covalent bond, which can amplify the reaction signal of avidin molecules bound to enzymes and biotin molecules bound to specific antibodies, and will carry out color reaction when encountering corresponding substrates. In order to achieve the purpose of detecting unknown antigens. Biotinylation detection methods include labeled avidin-biotin method (LAB), bridged avidin-biotin method (BRAB) and avidin-biotin-peroxidase method (ABC).
  • Affinity chromatography: Affinity chromatography is to place molecules with affinity in a chromatographic column, and proteins with affinity to the adsorbent will be retained in the chromatographic column. Combining the biotin-avidin system with affinity chromatography can greatly improve the purification efficiency of proteins.
  • Positioning observation: Biotin derivatives are combined with sugar chains on the cell surface, and then fixed with avidin-labeled probes, which can be used for cell localization of trace antigens. In the process of transfecting protein, glycoprotein or DNA, staining with biotin system has higher sensitivity.
  • Gene probe: Biotin-labeled phosphate bases synthesize gene probes, which can avoid the hazards of radioactive substances in the experimental process.

Professional biotinylation system has great application potential in the fields of biological diagnosis, affinity chromatography, localization observation and gene probeFigure 2. Professional biotinylation system has great application potential in the fields of biological diagnosis, affinity chromatography, localization observation and gene probe

Alfa Chemistry focuses on high-quality biotinylation solutions and strategies, and establishes a complete biotin system to meet customer needs. If you are interested in our services, please contact us immediately.


  1. Li, Y.F.; et al. Novel system for in vivo biotinylation and its application to crab antimicrobial protein scygonadin. Biotechnol Lett. 2012, 34(9): 1629-1635.

※ It should be noted that our service is only used for research, not for clinical use.

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